How to Make a Smoothie with Yogurt: 3 Easy Recipes

Check out our easy recipes for making delicious drinks in How to Make Yogurt Smoothies. We have tried to present the exact instructions on how to make the recipe very easily. We have taken care so that you can make a nutritious smoothie with yogurt in less time. It is as easy to make as it is fun to eat, and it is healthy. Improve your cooking skills and health-conscious choices with our yogurt-infused smoothies. You can visit them to get more interesting, delicious, and healthy recipes. fruit smoothie recipes with milk, how to make smoothies with frozen fruit without yogurt, and how to make a fruit smoothie with milk.

3 Easy Smoothies with Yogurt Recipes:

Below are three delicious smoothie recipes with yogurt that are easy to make. You can make these recipes in a very short time. They are as easy to make as they are tasty to eat.

1. Berry Bliss Yogurt Smoothie



  • 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • Ice cubes (optional)


  • In a blender, combine Greek yogurt, frozen berries, ripe bananas, honey, and almond milk.
  • Blend until smooth and creamy.
  • Add ice cubes if you prefer a colder and thicker consistency, then blend again.
  • Pour into a glass and enjoy this delightful, berry-packed yogurt smoothie!

Nutritional value of ingredients

Plain Greek Yogurt (1 cup):

Calories: Approximately 100

Protein: Around 20 grams

Fat: About 0–10 grams (depending on the type of yogurt).

Carbohydrates: Around 6–8 grams

Calcium provides a significant amount for bone health.

Frozen Mixed Berries (1/2 cup):

Calories: approximately 30–40

Fiber: Around 4 grams

Vitamin C: Contributes to immune health

Antioxidants provide various health benefits.

Ripe Banana (1 medium-sized):

Calories: Around 100

Carbohydrates: About 27 grams

Fiber: approximately 3 grams

Potassium: Contributes to heart and muscle health

Vitamin C supports immune function.

Honey (1 tablespoon):

Calories: approximately 60

Carbohydrates: About 17 grams (all from sugars)

Antioxidants: Contains various beneficial compounds

Almond Milk (1/2 cup, unsweetened):

Calories: Around 15-20 (depending on brand and type).

Fat: approximately 1-2 grams

Protein: About 1 gram

Fortified with vitamins like Vitamin D and Vitamin E

Ice cubes (optional):

Generally, ice cubes do not contribute significantly to the nutritional content of the smoothie. They add texture and thickness without adding extra calories.

2. Tropical Paradise Yogurt Smoothie



  • 1 cup of plain yogurt
  • 1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
  • 1/2 cup pineapple chunks (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut flakes
  • 1/2 cup of coconut water
  • Ice cubes (optional)


  • Combine plain yogurt, frozen mango chunks, pineapple chunks, ripe bananas, coconut flakes, and coconut water in a blender.
  • Blend until smooth and creamy.
  • If you desire a colder drink, add ice cubes and blend once more.
  • Pour into a tropical glass, garnish with additional coconut flakes if desired, and transport yourself to a sunny paradise with each sip!
  • Green Goddess Yogurt Smoothie

Nutritional value of ingredients

Plain Yogurt (1 cup):

Calories: Approximately 150

Protein: Around 8–10 grams

Fat: About 8–10 grams

Carbohydrates: Around 10–12 grams

Calcium: Contributes to bone health

Frozen mango chunks (1/2 cup):

Calories: approximately 50

Vitamin C: a significant amount supports immune health.

Vitamin A: Contributes to vision and skin health

Fiber: Around 2-3 grams

Pineapple Chunks (1/2 cup, fresh or frozen):

Calories: approximately 40

Vitamin C: a significant amount supports immune health.

Manganese: Contributes to bone formation and energy metabolism

Fiber: Around 1-2 grams

Ripe Banana (1 medium-sized):

Calories: Around 100

Carbohydrates: About 27 grams

Fiber: approximately 3 grams

Potassium: Contributes to heart and muscle health

Vitamin C supports immune function.

Coconut Flakes (1 tablespoon):

Calories: approximately 50

Fat: About 5 grams (mostly saturated fat)

Fiber: Around 2 grams

Coconut Water (1/2 cup):

Calories: approximately 20–25

Carbohydrates: Around 4-6 grams

Electrolytes: contain potassium, sodium, and magnesium.

Hydration: Helps in maintaining fluid balance

Ice cubes (optional):

Generally, ice cubes do not contribute significantly to the nutritional content of the smoothie. They add texture and thickness without adding extra calories.

3. Green Goddess Yogurt Smoothie



  • 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup of fresh spinach leaves
  • 1/2 cucumber, peeled and sliced
  • 1/2 avocado, peeled and pitted
  • 1/2 cup of green grapes
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • Ice cubes (optional)


  • In a blender, combine Greek yogurt, fresh spinach leaves, cucumber slices, avocado, green grapes, honey, and water.
  • Blend until the mixture is smooth and vibrant.
  • Add ice cubes if you prefer a cooler temperature, and blend again.
  • Pour into a glass and revel in the nourishing and refreshing qualities of this Green Goddess Yogurt Smoothie.

Nutritional value of ingredients

Plain Greek Yogurt (1 cup):

Calories: Approximately 100

Protein: Around 20 grams

Fat: About 0–10 grams (depending on the type of yogurt).

Carbohydrates: Around 6–8 grams

Calcium provides a significant amount for bone health.

Fresh spinach leaves (1 cup):

Calories: Approximately 7

Fiber: Around 1 gram

Vitamin K: a significant amount contributes to bone health.

Folate supports cell division and DNA synthesis.

Cucumber, Peeled, and Sliced (1/2 cucumber):

Calories: Approximately 23

Hydration: Cucumbers have a high water content.

Fiber: Around 1.5 grams

Vitamin K contributes to bone health.

Avocado, Peeled and Pitted (1/2 avocado):

Calories: approximately 120

Healthy Fats: About 10–11 grams (mostly monounsaturated fat)

Fiber: Around 6-7 grams

Potassium: Contributes to heart and muscle health

Green Grapes (1/2 cup):

Calories: approximately 50

Carbohydrates: Around 12–13 grams

Vitamin C supports immune health.

Antioxidants provide various health benefits.

Honey (1 tablespoon):

Calories: approximately 60

Carbohydrates: About 17 grams (all from sugars)

Antioxidants: Contains various beneficial compounds

Water (1/2 cup):

No calories

Hydration is essential for overall health.

Ice cubes (optional):

Generally, ice cubes do not contribute significantly to the nutritional content of the smoothie. They add texture and thickness without adding extra calories.

Benefits of Making a Smoothie with Yogurt

Nutrient-Rich Goodness:

Smoothies with yogurt are a nutrient-packed option, combining vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from fruits, vegetables, and yogurt, promoting overall health.

Digestive Health:

Yogurt’s probiotics aid digestion and support a healthy gut microbiome, enhancing nutrient absorption and promoting a well-functioning digestive system.

Weight Management:

The protein in yogurt helps increase satiety, making smoothies a satisfying and nutritious choice that can contribute to weight management.

Muscle Recovery:

The protein content in yogurt assists in muscle repair and growth, making yogurt smoothies an excellent option for post-workout recovery.

Bone Strength:

The calcium in yogurt contributes to bone health, supporting the maintenance of strong and healthy bones.

Heart Health:

Incorporating yogurt into smoothies may positively impact heart health by contributing to the management of blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Immune Support:

The combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in yogurt smoothies strengthens the immune system, helping the body fight off infections and illnesses.

Hydration Boost:

Smoothies provide a hydrating option, especially when made with ingredients like yogurt, which adds a refreshing and liquid element to the blend.

Convenient Nutrition:

Smoothies with yogurt offer a convenient and portable way to consume a variety of nutrients, making them an ideal on-the-go meal or snack option.

Versatile Flavor Options:

The versatility of yogurt smoothies allows for creative flavor combinations, catering to personal taste preferences while still reaping the nutritional benefits.

The Best Blenders for Making a Smoothie with Yogurt


Creating a delicious and creamy smoothie with yogurt requires a blender with specific features to achieve the desired consistency. Here’s a guide to the best blenders tailored for making smoothies with yogurt:

1. Vitamix E310 Explorian Blender:

Key Features: powerful motor, variable speed control, and a high-performance blade.

Benefits: The robust motor and sharp blades effortlessly blend yogurt with fruits and ice, creating velvety smoothies. Variable speed control allows customization.

2. NutriBullet Pro 900 Series Blender:

Key Features:

900-watt motor, extractor blades, and compact design.


The NutriBullet Pro is ideal for small batches of smoothies. The extractor blades break down ingredients, ensuring a smooth blend, and their compact size is convenient for quick and easy use.

3. Ninja Professional BL610 Blender:

Key Features:

1000-watt motor, total crushing blades, and large capacity.


The Ninja BL610’s powerful motor and sharp blades make it adept at blending yogurt, fruits, and ice. The large pitcher is suitable for preparing multiple servings.

4. Breville BBL620SIL, The Fresh and Furious Blender:

Key Features:

1100-watt motor, Kinetix contoured blade and bowl system, and pre-programmed settings.


The Kinetix blade system ensures efficient blending of yogurt and fruits, while pre-programmed settings simplify the process. The blender’s design promotes even blending.

5. Blendtec Total Classic Original Blender:

Key Features:

1560-watt motor, blunt safety blade, and pre-programmed cycles.


The powerful motor and blunt safety blade efficiently blend yogurt with frozen fruits. The pre-programmed cycles simplify the blending process, producing consistently smooth results.

6. Hamilton Beach Wave Crusher Blender:

Key Features:

700-watt motor, patented Ice Sabre blades, and multiple blending functions.


The Ice Sabre blades make quick work of blending yogurt, ice, and fruits, creating smooth and creamy smoothies. The multiple blending functions offer versatility for different recipes.

When choosing the best blender for making a smoothie with yogurt, consider factors like motor power, blade design, and container capacity to ensure it meets your specific blending needs. These recommended blenders provide a range of options suitable for creating delicious and nutritious yogurt-based smoothies.

How do smoothies with yogurt help with weight loss?


Here are five categories explaining how smoothies with yogurt can help with weight loss:

Nutrient Density:

  • Yogurt is packed with nutrients like calcium, protein, and probiotics.
  • Adding fruits, vegetables, and other wholesome ingredients to the smoothie increases its nutrient density.
  • Nutrient-dense smoothies can help satisfy nutritional needs, reducing the likelihood of unhealthy snacking.

Satiety and Reduced Caloric Intake:

  • Protein in yogurt contributes to increased satiety and helps control appetite.
  • Smoothies with yogurt can be filling, reducing the overall caloric intake throughout the day.
  • The combination of protein and fiber from fruits can promote a feeling of fullness, preventing overeating.

Metabolism Boost:

  • The protein in yogurt can enhance the thermic effect of food, boosting metabolism.
  • Ingredients like green tea, berries, or spices (such as cinnamon) often found in smoothies may have metabolism-boosting properties.
  • Digestive Health:
  • Probiotics in yogurt support a healthy gut, which is linked to better digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • A well-functioning digestive system can contribute to weight loss by optimizing nutrient utilization and waste elimination.

Balanced Meal Replacement:

  • Smoothies with yogurt can serve as a balanced meal replacement, providing a mix of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats).
  • Substituting a high-calorie meal with a nutrient-dense smoothie can contribute to a caloric deficit, aiding in weight loss over time.

Remember, while smoothies with yogurt can be a healthy addition to a weight loss plan, it’s essential to consider overall dietary habits, exercise, and lifestyle factors for sustainable and effective weight management.

Frequently Asked Question: Smoothie with Yogurt

1. How to make a smoothie with yogurt: What ingredients do I need for a basic yogurt smoothie?

Discover the essential ingredients for a basic yogurt smoothie, including yogurt, fruits, sweeteners, and liquids. Learn how to balance flavors and textures for a delicious blend.

2. Can I use regular yogurt instead of Greek yogurt in a smoothie?

Explore the versatility of yogurt choices in smoothies and find out if regular yogurt is a suitable alternative to Greek yogurt. Understand the impact on texture and taste.

3. What fruits complement yogurt in a smoothie?

Learn about the best fruit combinations that pair well with yogurt in a smoothie, creating a harmonious blend of flavors and textures for a tasty and nutritious beverage.

4. How can I make a low-sugar smoothie with yogurt?

Discover tips and alternatives for reducing the sugar content of yogurt smoothies while maintaining a delicious taste. Explore natural sweeteners and low-sugar fruit options for a healthier option.

5. Are there dairy-free alternatives for making a yogurt smoothie?

Explore dairy-free options for creating a yogurt smoothie by using plant-based yogurt alternatives. Learn about different non-dairy yogurt options to suit various dietary preferences.

Final Words

In conclusion, crafting a tantalizing smoothie with yogurt is a delightful journey of creativity and nutrition. Embrace the versatility of this wholesome beverage by experimenting with various fruits, adjusting ratios, and customizing it to dietary needs. Remember, frozen fruits offer a creamy texture, while additions like honey, vanilla, or cinnamon elevate the flavor profile. Transform your smoothie into a satisfying meal replacement by incorporating protein and healthy fats. And don’t forget the finishing touch—garnish with granola or nuts for added crunch and visual appeal. With these tips, you’re ready to blend your way to a delicious and nutritious yogurt smoothie!

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